
Showing posts from June, 2020


I created this map using MyMaps by Google. I found this software to be extremely useful. It is much more beneficial than say, looking at regular Google Maps due to all the features that you can utilize including the fact that you can save so much information about a location. The map that I have shared is a rather basic one for the sake of simplicity however, you can construct a map that looks much different. It is possible to organize your points, give a description of them, etc. Personally, my favorite feature was the ability to add a file such as a video or photo to a location. Each of the places that I marked were locations that I spent at least one night at, so on a personal map that I created, I put one photo for each place in order to evoke a memory when I look at each specific point. This software was extremely user friendly. I was able to become virtually fluent with the program in only a few minutes. This would be a fun and useful tool for those who are seasoned cartographers

Ecology Presentation

Ecology Presentation


Biodiversity refers to the variety of life forms that can be found within a geographical area. For me, t his word can be more easily understood when looking at the breakdown of the two words;   b iological  and  diversity.   It is easier to explain the importance of biodiversity to people in terms of human benefit.  Biodiversity ensures sustainability because more biodiversity equals more resilience. More resilience of resources used for food, pharmaceuticals, tourism, aesthetics, cultural purposes- the list goes on. Every species plays a role in the ecosystem no matter how big or small. Look at only agriculture for just a moment. If we examine agricultural biodiversity on the smallest scale, it takes an immense number of microorganisms to be present in the soil in order to break down and provide nutrients to grow a single crop. On the largest scale, the hugely diverse variety of said crops around the world is our source of food, a major aspect of the world economy, and is the livelih

Study Area

I have chosen my study area to be the Osa Peninsula in Costa Rica. This place definitely holds a special place in my heart. Last summer, I spent some time at Piro Research Station taking a course on primate behavior and conservation. Although too short, the time I spent here will have an impact on my life forever. I gained much more than the knowledge from the curriculum I studied. The entire station was off the grid, the people and their diverse backgrounds had so much to offer, and the biological diversity I encountered each day was unbelievable. I was able to gain insight on the amazing research that was happening at the center in a way that most people are not given the opportunity. My reasoning for selecting this area is because I thoroughly enjoyed learning about the efforts going into the preservation of the landscape and the species it holds, and I wish nothing more than to see those efforts continue and progress. The Osa Peninsula is one of the most biologically intense places